About Me

LÉ famously means ‘the’ in French. It also coincidentally comprises the second half of my first name and the beginning few of my last. Lemaster is the Americanized form of Lemaistre, itself a variant of Lemaître which means ‘the master’ or the head of a craft or trade guild from Old French. 

Growing up on a farm, you learn the meaning of hard work very quickly and become both mentally and physically tough; tough enough to weather the elements and whatever life may throw at you. One major yearly milestone was always cattle branding. One year I asked my Dad why we had to do it; parts about it were far from enjoyable. He responded to me and said “You have to be proud of what you do in this world. I’m proud of this herd and how far they have come. You have to put your name on what you are proud of in this world.” It really struck a chord in me. Ever since that moment, I knew I wanted to create and design things; and who knew what that journey would look like or where it would take me, but it’s brought me here. 

Our family brand is 37 - which if flipped upside down, is LE. My passion for my craft and my past have brought me here, ready to help my clients build something beautiful, resilient, and rooted in a solid foundation.