Rainbow Light

Going from 0 to 100 has a very different meaning within the Fortune 500, Clorox. It can often take a number of months if not years to launch new products, and by then the trend or fad ingredient’s time has passed. So when the challenge of launching 7 products in the span of 2-4 months was the ask, we all stepped up to the plate. 

Enter Trendsensing; a cross-functional team with diverse expertise to take researched popular and trending ingredient based products to market in a matter of a few months maximum to fully capitalize on trends and continuing to build brand loyalty. Condensing a few year so legal reviews, edits, and stakeholder feedback was a challenge but at the end of the day it was an experience full of rewards - and making all the labels and tiles and working closely with all an awesome team to handoff assets to meet our goals and timelines was pretty great too. 

Being able to ‘break’ the system intentionally to prove DTC expertise and efficiency was one of my favorite projects and can’t wait to see the rest of the preceding products in market and on Amazon in no time.